Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Day 12 - Kota Kinabalu, Borneo (Wednesday)

Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia. Haven't heard of this place before? Well, it's also known as Sabah or Borneo. You know, the land where headhunters are from? Perhaps you've heard of the Sultan of Brunei (this is his island)? Or maybe you know it from Survivor the tv show? Yeah that Borneo. Interesting fact about Borneo - the high temperate every day of the year is somewhere between 89 and 93 degrees.

Not a lot around the terminal where the boat pulls in. Lots of people today are signed up for shore excursions. 150 in my Island Getaway with Lunch (WJ21), 300 to the zoo. If you don't want to do a boat-sponsored excursion you'll have to taxi to do something. Taxi's aren't super cheap (someone did one for $100US to go around a few spots). Now traffic, that's a whole different monster.  There's lots of it.

Master plan of the new Borneo
Pod of taxis awaiting outside the gate
Drivers awaiting riders

We got lucky with weather. Yesterday by 10am it was rainy and stormy. As luck would have it today the spot where we'd be snorkeling was a former Survivor island. Stunning warm water, fish everywhere. If you're a fan of hanging out on a beach all day (10am-230pm) this is for you.

The 27-hole golf course leading to our departure pier
The lineup of our boats
Island of the day

7:30pm and it's pretty dark outside. However there's this light in the far distance. Is it a town? Nope, too bright. Oil rig. Other than that the ship's a ghost town by 10pm tonight.
Oil rigs burning in the distance, lightening bolt/storm on the right

50's / 60's theme night

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