Thursday, November 5, 2015

Day 25 - Brisbane (Tuesday)

Day 19 at sea and the cruise has come to a close. I'll write some summary to the boat, the itinerary a little later once my mind has a chance to process everything I've taken in.

Sure enough this morning the ship had everyone off by 8:30am. Lots of new staff were coming aboard as we're leaving. The cruise terminal of Brisbane is very small. The ship was very happy to drop us off but the port just isn't sized in such a way as to handle us.

The final challenge for our ship
Downtown Brisbane
And we're done

The chaos that was retrieving baggage
Too small to fit more than 3 baggage groups at one time
Half hour taxi line
Why half hour? 4 taxi spots

Vacation drop has already kicked in. I had such plans once off the boat to explore the town today. Instead I got into the room, started a load of laundry and fell asleep on the couch with the laptop on me - slept till 7pm.

Well I'm awake now and hungry (it has been more than 2 hours since I had food). Let's explore.
My hotel
They do an amazing job playing with light and colors in the town

Am I back in Hong Kong?
Like Cairns there's no beach nearby to escape the heat so the city created public pools resembling beaches
What? LesMis is playing???
The plans for tomorrow just changed
$15 meal. Food is crazy expensive here

One more day tomorrow in Brisbane then flying home and back to reality.

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