Monday, November 23, 2015

Day 8 - At Sea (Saturday)

I've sailed through the Drake Passage which are the roughest water on earth. There the boat pitched up and down, left to right, even fishtailing through 30 foot swells and felt safe the whole time. Last night I thought we were going to sink. This ship doesn't have the size nor the technology to keep it from pitching and rolling even in calm seas.

At breakfast I was talking to some folks from Brisbane, Australia and learned the "joke" is that boats tend to go to Australia to die. And this ship should be sent for scrap metaling. Perhaps that's why it's being home based to Brisbane starting upon our departure and can't be booked after 2016. In 2013 Royal spent money to clean up some of the visual things but appears to have neglected many bigger, structural issues. My AC was broken, closing the balcony door causes a huge BANG as it slams down into place, literally a hole I can feel in my cabin floor, and what's more maddening internet service that is horrible (at best; randomly will stop working at night, connection speed that is slower than dialup). Many people on the ship are returning Royal cruisers and likewise cannot believe Royal keeps this boat going. But it's about the ports I keep reminding myself.

This morning is the first time ever on a bigger ship that I've seen vomit bags were put out for passengers for last night's usage. This obviously isn't the first time the boat was rocking badly.

Quiet day at sea. Formal night dinner tonight. Tomorrow, Manila, Philippines.

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